Our Story

1.5 minutes about us………


At ShieldCampus, we all come to work every day because we want to solve the biggest concern in our schools: safety and security.


ShieldCampus uses a holistic approach leveraging technology to predict, manage, and react to student safety. We enable schools to have a high visibility in each student’s wellness as well as campus activity.

We are founded by school administrators for school administrators. When we started ShieldCampus in 2016 we wanted to look at the big picture by taking a proactive approach to campus security instead of being reactive when a crisis occurs. We needed a better way to not only effectively manage crisis situations but also try to identify what preventative measures schools could take.


How can we reduce the number of casualties in each crisis situation?

What are the current processes that are working and not working?

What kind of behavior data can we collect and analyze that would help schools manage and help their students?

What can be prevented?


Our vision at ShieldCampus is to offer the most comprehensive, integrated mobile platform that provides efficiencies in the management of each student’s journey on campus…from the time they are on campus until they are done with school activities and go home.

Our mission is to Keep Students Safe…. Every Step of the Way.


The children we strive to impact are the driving force behind ShieldCampus and our pursuit to make their school environment safer for them so they can do more than learn; they can THRIVE.


We wake up each morning with a fire in our belly to make a difference. Our motivation is driven by our ability to push each other to new heights. We thrive on excellence because there is no room for complacency. We thank God daily for our talents, living in a free country, and bountiful blessings. We cherish our friends and family and are grateful for our partners who appreciate and find value in what we do. We invest in the safety and wellbeing of children - our future leaders and innovators…What better way to make a living?

See How ShieldCampus Works for You